We live in a consensus reality.
It’s up to you, to either
deal with your own demons to ring in the new, or continue to participate in the old paradigm controlled by fear.
It’s your responsibility to help birth a new paradigm.
You’re not a victim of reality, but a co-creator of it.
Spiritually, we are disconnected!
Especially those who call themselves spiritual.
It’s the new dogma, just replacing old dogmas.
Fighting an old dogma, always creates a new dogma!
No matter how much glitter you put on.
It’s necessary to become aware of fearful thought forms and create anew from this way forward. If the imagination of the mass is used to create, it manifests physically in our consensus reality.
To understand what is actually happening, is important and looking away, being in love and light as a spiritual practice, is gaslighting ourselves and the consensus reality that we live in.
However, we cannot participate or support one way or the other. It is up to each individual, to decide which way the path is going. Connecting with like minded, who are aware of what’s actually going on, but free from fear, does creates a new paradigm.
But one cannot be free from fear, if they haven’t yet looked fear in the eyes.
This starts by looking at our own programming and the consent we give, for our imagination to be hijacked, in order to create division and thus control!
Pause for a moment when your emotions are being used to create fear. When the media tells you something and you have an emotional reaction to it, pay attention to that!
Fear is the mind virus we must address. There is nothing and no one, that could do this for you.
Darkness can become your greatest teacher. And your biggest strength is to own your emotions.
You cannot escape yourself. No matter where you go and what you do, you have to face yourself regardless!
The universe is a fractal.
As within so without.
As above so below!
Therefore you’re looking at yourself in the mirror!
Be blessed!